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About Us

Pavel-96Pavel Kyral  have been in a “brick and mortar” business since 1977 and in “online” business since 1997. A network of specific websites is devoted to the individual subject or theme. Therefore you as a customer will be able easily find the information you are looking for. No distraction by something which would interrupt your concentration and has nothing to do with the object of your desire.

This website propertiesforprofit.net is devoted only to one goal – to present information which works most of the time and make properties  profitable.

1970first-land-bought-1I have bought my first property in 1970 on $40.00 deposit. The block of land cost $2,500 and I sold it two years later for $5.000. At this moment I have realized an ever increasing value of a property. I didn’t need to trade my time for money.

I have bought and sold other properties, existing or of the plan, renovated as well as developed. On the base of this firsthand experience I have decided to help others to make their properties profitable as well. This website is not about me to brush own ego. There are many pictures “before” and “after” in almost any property magazine or a book. This website is about to give you confidence and have courage to make the first step. Yes, there will be problems along the way, but every problem has its solution. Once you have a knowledge it will be easier to find a solution.  No property is “the only opportunity”. There will be many other and even better ones.

Pavel-1995-DIYResponding to the growing gap in the market, we believe that there always will be an interest in the information how to make profit from a property at raising or falling market. The knowledge is the power. To know how to use this knowledge results in profit.

We don’t recommend any “Property Investment Schemes” and “Housing Projects” neither we try to sell you any property. The information presented is for the education purposes only and we don’t provide any financial advice.  If you need expert or financial assistance, you need to contact those professionals to help you.

Any investing carries a risk and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. The examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Any earning potential is entirely dependent on each person and his or her decisions and circumstances. However by using this information you will gain the knowledge, which will give you an ammunition and a confidence in your property investing. You can learn the principles of property investment, avoiding the hype and saving yourself a lot of money by not making the costly mistakes.  The property investing is not hard, but it needs you to work and do your own research, which nobody will do for you. We can show you how, but it is you who needs to put it into practice. If you tackle it as a business and not as a hobby, where emotions prevail, you will have high likelihood to make profit.